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Paying Taxes

I did Indiana state taxes last week for the first time. For thirty-three years, my taxes were California, followed by one year in Oregon, one year in Utah, and now in Indiana. I am surprised to say that I paid more state taxes this year than I can remember. More than that, I paid a penalty for not paying a quarterly estimation of my 2023 taxes. That was new. I did not find this out until I did my Indiana state taxes. For me, the state tax was 3.15% of my income minus a $2,000 exemption deduction from it. It wasn’t over. Then I paid the 2.5% Decatur County income tax.

As I took a walk after finishing the taxes and sending them to the Department of Revenue in Indianapolis, it occurred to me that it is and was God’s will to pay taxes. I thought about what I consider to be a fair amount of taxes. I paid about 5% of my income to the state. The state tax seems to be flat and proportional, which seems fair. Romans 13:6-7 say: “For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.”

Those called “God’s ministers” are those authority in the state. They need “tribute” and “custom” to “minister.” The ministry of government (according to Romans 13:3-4) as an institution is to be a terror to evil, to bear the sword for executing wrath on him who does evil, and to minister for good. Those ministries do occur on my behalf for which I am thankful to God.

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